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Life is worth living

The safest way to climb a rock face. Attach your double-carabiner system to the steel life-line and feel unique emotions climbing up 300 meters using iron ladders and knowing you are 100% safe. Enjoy the breathtaking view, then descend a 100-meter cliff fixed to a rope.

- Professional guides (English & French speaking)

- CE Certified equipment

- No experience required.

Who can climb a via ferrata?

Anyone who is in good health and physical condition is able to climb the via ferrata. The minimum age to climb the Sacred Valley via ferrata is 8 years old. We reserve the right to admission to determine whether people are suitable for the via ferrata or not. Without exception, the via ferrata climbers must always be accompanied by a guide.


Maximum weight:

265 lbs (120 kg) to safely climb the via ferrata.


What kind of equipment is used?

A full body harness, helmet, gloves and a via ferrata lanyard, (double locking carabineers with a strength dissipater especially designed for via ferrata climbers).


Safety at the via ferrata

The equipment used allows the person to remain tied to a “life line”, in this case a steel cable. Through the via ferrata lanyard the person can go up securing himself with the carabineers. All our guides are mountain guides trained in vertical rescue and ropes. There are marked exits and rappel stations through the via ferrata that may be used by the guide to exit the route in case of emergency.

What do you need to bring?

Use light clothing and comfortable shoes (tennis, light hiking boots, etc.. No sandals). Note that as you go upper the weather will be colder and windy, you can carry extra clothing in a small backpack. Bring at least 1 lt. of water.



Via Ferrata duration

The ascent and descent of the route will last 4 hours from the base of the mountain.


RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE IN ADVANCE, scheduling will depends on the weather.

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