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Wander through the farm land and history of the plains of Anta

In the morning, we leave from our hotel to drive up to the high plateau of Anta. This full day experience begins at Cruz Pata, a community located nearby the lagoon of Piuray that belongs to the town of Chinchero. We will start pedaling along an old dirt road (trail) that will help us to get used to the bikes. 

Heading to the archaeological site of Moray where travelers can visit this area known for being a former agricultural laboratory used to experiment with varieties of native potatoes. They were planted in different ecological `oors`, each `oor` representing a separate climate. 

The road linking Maras and Moray is a "single track" which is excellent for practicing "cross country" with ups and downs that make this experience exciting. From here we can see unique views of the Vilcanota Mountain Range like the Chicon, the Pumahuanca and the Wakay Willca mountains. The Maras village is an agricultural town whose inhabitants are mainly engaged in the extraction of salt. 

After a break in the nearby town of Maras, we will continue our cycling experience along the paths leading down to the salt mines. It is up to the passengers and their experience level to decide whether we descend to Pichingoto in the Sacred Valley. Then, we return to our hotel. 


Altitude range: 2900-3540m 

Degree of difficulty: Moderate

Meal: Picnic lunch, box lunch or Pachamanca (you can read more about it below)



After a great morning, we head down towards Ollantaytambo & the Hotel El Albergue for `pachamanca` a traditional style of Peruvian cooking. There is an organic farm here at the hotel where they host a Pachamanca Farm Lunch as well as visits to a Cañazo (sugar cane liquor) distillery and coffee roasting facility with tastings of these artisanal products.

The Pachamanca is a traditional Incan meal cooked upon hot rocks and includes a tour of the hotel and our adjacent organic farm. You're welcome to participate in the preparation of the Pachamanca, and while the food cooks, You can visit the farm and learn about traditional and contemporary organic farming practices. The lunch includes a variety of cuts of chicken, pork, and lamb with alpaca, rabbit and cuy upon request,

Andean potatoes and camote, organic vegetables, a variety of house-made salads and sauces as well as chicha morada (purple corn beverage). Most dietary restrictions can be covered, and wine and beer are available upon request.


The lunch is served at covered picnic tables right on the farm with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, glaciers and Inca archaeological sites.

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+51 987422809 

+1 (832) 847-3498


Address: Calle Bolivar #108, Lamay, Calca

Cusco, Perú.

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