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The retreat of an Inca Ruler

The hike begins in the small village of Siwas (3800 masl), after a short 1, 5 hour drive from the city of Cusco. In the morning we will climb to the highest point of the day, walking slowly and steadily for 1 hour and 30 minutes along this not too difficult ascent to 4060 masl. If the weather permits, in the Southeast we can see far off in the distance the massive mountain of Ausangate, one of the three most sacred mountains around Cusco.


After enjoying the views from the top and taking some memorable photographs we begin the two hour walk down to Huchuy Qosqo. Not too long into our hike we join the principal Inca Trail, passing through the picturesque village of Puka Marka. This place is just the entrance to an amazing ravine. The path crosses this section along a well paved Inca Trail and charming little bridges crisscross the creek that flows down to the Sacred Valley. After the section of bridges we continue walking, enjoying beautiful views of agricultural terraces we may even catch sight of some of the local fauna like deer or exotic indigenous birds. There is a good point nearby Huchuy Qosqo where we can take a break to view the Sacred Valley and the village of Lamay below, right next to the Wilcamayu river, the most sacred and important river for the Inca people. A few more minutes walking from this lookout we reach our principal destination of the day: HUCHUY QOSQO!


We will have plenty of time to enjoy our packed lunch and wander around the Inca Site, getting a great lesson from our knowledgeable guide learning more about this amazing People who were able to build such a incredible places around the Andes of Perú. Huchuy Qosqo is a great cultural example of agricultural engineering with irrigation channels and terraces. Then, with the arrival of the Spaniards, the site changed and now it is home to a big water reservoir built with the stones previously used by the locals who built this place for their Inca Ruler Wiracocha in the early 15th century.     

In the afternoon we leave Huchuy Qosqo and descend for about two hours towards the village of Lamay, where we meet our private transportation to take us back to our hotel in Cusco or The Sacred Valley.   


Hiking time: 7 Hrs

Altitude range: 3700-2900

Degree of difficulty: Moderate

Meal: Box lunch

Machu Picchu EXTENSION



At Quechua Treks we aim to provide bespoke itineraries suited to each adventurer down to the last detail, we want to create your dream experience. Together, we can customize our itineraries with additional activities ranging from a variety of ‘adrenaline pumping’, ‘culture vulture’ or ‘relax and unwind’ options to best fit your needs throughout your tour. Check out our ideas for inspiration and let us know what captures your imagination!

The Beauty of the South 


Gastronomic experiences in Lima, a day hiking in the Andes, the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and Titicaca Lake.


Adventure Awaits


A combination of rafting, biking, fly fishing, trekking, camping and hiking the one day Inca Trail in the most beautiful wilderness.  


The Best of the Valley


Exploring the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, in a privately guided tour and you will avoid all of the big crowds. 


The Amazon and the Inca Trail


Deep exploration of Amazonian Nature & wildlife. Get to know one of the least impacted habitats in the world and the classic Inca Trail all the way to Machu Picchu. 

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+51 987422809 

+1 (832) 847-3498


Address: Calle Bolivar #108, Lamay, Calca

Cusco, Perú.

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