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Explore Incan ruins in a beautiful and fertile valley

This trek is going to expose the magnificent, ancient development of Pumamarca and how the Incas took advantage of the terrain, building hundreds of terraces for the agriculture of different crops in this, the beautiful, fertile Valley of Patacancha.


We start the day in the early morning with a visit to Ollantaytambo one of the most impressive Inca temples which also functioned as a fortress during the rebellion of Manco Inca against the Spanish Conqueror's. Not only will the archeological site impress you but also the village itself, which has a special and charming atmosphere, built on the foundations of the original Incan town. 


From Ollantaytambo we will take a local trail that follows an ancient Inca channel coming from Halancoma Mountain, a part of the Urubamba Mountain range. During our hike we will pass some humble local homes and farmers who will most likely be herding animals. Scenes that will bring our minds back to hundreds of years ago. 


After about 2 and a half hours of gradual uphill we reach the top and Pumamarca, the Inca site that presides over the Patacancha Valley. The peaceful Pumamarca will be a perfect place to enjoy our snacks, (Please let us know if you want to try our delicious box lunch) before our drive back.



Hiking time: 4 Hrs

Altitude range: 3700m-2900m 

Degree of difficulty: Moderate

Meal: Picnic lunch, box lunch or restaurant

Machu Picchu EXTENSION



At Quechua Treks we aim to provide bespoke itineraries suited to each adventurer down to the last detail, we want to create your dream experience. Together, we can customize our itineraries with additional activities ranging from a variety of ‘adrenaline pumping’, ‘culture vulture’ or ‘relax and unwind’ options to best fit your needs throughout your tour. Check out our ideas for inspiration and let us know what captures your imagination!

The Best of the Valley


Exploring the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, in a privately guided tour and you will avoid all of the big crowds. 


The Amazon and the Inca Trail


Deep exploration of Amazonian Nature & wildlife. Get to know one of the least impacted habitats in the world and the classic Inca Trail all the way to Machu Picchu. 

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+51 987422809 

+1 (832) 847-3498


Address: Calle Bolivar #108, Lamay, Calca

Cusco, Perú.

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